What We Do

Strategic Solutions

Blue Water Advisors

We are excited to introduce TWG’s new strategic partnership with Blue Water Advisors. Mark “Cyrus” Vance, TWG Principal – Strategic Partner and Rear Admiral US Navy Ret. was instrumental in creating this partnership with BWA. He will continue to be a key connection and will be providing additional oversight going forward. BWA is an extensive and ever-growing network of veterans who partner with and assist retired and retiring veterans with career transition and progression. This network also extends to veterans who are already a part of corporate America. BWA focuses on building lasting relationships with their members and creating individualized plans to help them succeed. 

The Navy has a reputation of developing some of the most extraordinary leaders in the military, which is why we at TWG feel honored to partner with BWA to help Navy veterans take their next steps into corporate America. This relationship gives TWG beneficial insight and access into this highly desirable talent pool of experienced and successful leaders. If you are seeking a veteran to fill a key role in your organization, please contact us to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to support our vets.

TWG has transformed from a small boutique firm to a mid-sized solutions-based search practice which responds directly to the client and/or market needs. The following CustomerDriven℠ services show that our processes are developed to meet client needs:


FAST Slate℠ search services were designed at the request of clients who need top-notch candidates to supplement the slate that their internal recruiting teams have developed. With FAST Slate℠, we source and recruit up to three additional candidates per position for a modest fee. A full fee is due and payable only when one of our candidates is hired. Unlike our other search services which are exclusive arrangements, FAST Slate℠ is designed to supplement the work being done by your team. FAST Slate℠ is particularly useful when time is of the essence. FAST Slate℠ is critical when diverse or passive candidates need to be identified and sold on your opportunity.


TransitionTalent℠ search services are as comprehensive as our traditional search services but at half the price. We will use all of the resources at our disposal to find the best talent to help you work through business transitions. Whether filling in for an executive on leave; working through the integration of a newly acquired product or service; merging companies or departments; planning and executing a project from start to finish…we can find you the talent you need at a price that makes sense.


A new, more cost-efficient and effective way to meet the staffing challenges of our clients who operate within the Healthcare Industry. You have told us where you are going and what it is you'll need to get you there. You have told us what has worked for you in the past, and what has not. Most importantly, you have asked for our help in designing a recruiting methodology and fee structure that gives you the best elements of professional retained search with the cost-effectiveness and assurances that come with contract recruiting.

The Woodmansee Group's healthRecruit℠ is designed to meet your needs. First and foremost, we focus on building your organization. Our heavy focus on cultural fit, along with technical skills ensures quality placements. We have search consultants and support personnel with extensive HR experience in health-related fields, we understand your challenges and we know how to meet them.


With TalentReady℠, TWG has the ability to customize solutions to meet your needs and address your challenges. We are always open and flexible in working with you to determine the best approach to deliver the expected results. TWG is committed to making doing business as easy as possible. TalentReady℠ will give you maximum flexibility.


Our business and expertise in technology is continuously growing and evolving to stay in front of the power curve within this dynamic industry segment. We have search consultants and support personnel with extensive experience in the technology sector, we understand your challenges and we know how to meet them.


Because TWG’s leaders have walked in the shoes of business executives, we bring a peer level of understanding to our clients’ situations along with a partnership approach to solving their business issues. It is important to us that our clients succeed. To that end, TWG frequently assists its clients in aligning the organization’s business strategy and people strategy to ensure they are working together to yield the maximum results through our Strategic Advisory Services.


The individual's personality will be interpreted in light of the situational context in which he/she will be asked to perform. This includes the fit with the organizational culture, the expected role, and job duties to be performed and the specific leadership behaviors that will lend themselves to success individually and as a part of a cohesive leadership team. The individual personality, any potential derailers, as well as the individual's motives, values, and preferences, will be reflected and highlighted within this context.


We build organizations versus just fill positions. Our subject matter expertise and experience in this regard is extensive and proven. Whether you are challenged with rapid growth, right sizing, turnaround, merger/ acquisition integration, organization alignment & structure etc., we can help support you and provide guidance in these efforts.


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